The aim of the conference Applied Mechanics 2016 is a meeting and presentation of scientific works of PhD students and young scientists. The organizers would like to invite researchers, scientists and academic staff who are interested in the scientific work of young beginning colleagues as well. The conference will be held in hotel Grand Matej, which is situated in the historical center of Banská Štiavnica. Patron of the conference is dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Assoc. prof. MSc. Branislav Hučko, PhD.


  • dynamics
  • experimental mechanics
  • noise and vibrations
  • multibody dynamics
  • computational mechanics
  • biomechanics
  • fluid mechanics
  • mechatronics
  • strength of materials, creep, plasticity
  • fracture mechanics and fatigue
  • durability and reliability of engineering structures
  • structural mechanics


Conference languages are Czech, Slovak, Polish and English.

Registration Fee

Conference charge is 350,- EUR and will be paid via bank transfer to account:

Slovenská spoločnosť pre mechaniku pri SAV
Dúbravská cesta 4
842 20 Bratislava

IBAN: SK4309000000000011466957


Please provide the name of persons which that fee shall cover and symbol "AM16" in the description of the transfer. In case of payment for more participants together, please, write down names of the participants into the note for recipient. Conference charge includes accommodation, nourishment and registration fee. Registration fee includes organization costs, refreshment, 1 CD, printed proceedings, social evening, gifts etc. Registration fee cannot be refund, but in the case of absence of participant, there is possible to send representatives.

The bank details and other information, necessary for payment will be sent to each participant via email after finishing the registration.

Conference proceedings

The conference fee per one person enables to publish one paper in the conference proceedings. The conference proceedings will be published on CD-ROM and in printed proceedings and it will contain two-page extended abstract in English.